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Who. Primary Students

Skill. Capable NetSetGO students

Gender. All inclusive

When. Monday 4:15pm Games

Minis Competition

Who. Prep - Y12 Students

Skill. Novice - Competent

Gender. All inclusive 10-12 & Girls 13+

When. Monday 4:15 - 7:00pm Games

Juniors Competition

Who. 8 - 14 year olds

Skill. Novice - Competent

Gender. Boys

When. Monday 6:05pm Games

Boys 12U & 14U Competitions

Who. Females 14+

Skill. Novice - Experienced

Gender. Women

When. Monday 7:00 / 7:55pm Games

Wednesday 6:30 / 7:30pm Games

Seniors Competition

Who. Males and Females 14+

Skill. Novice - Competent

Gender. All inclusive

When. Wednesday 6:30/ 7:30pm Games

Mixed Netball

Our aim is to promote netball and provide a place for the community to come together and enjoy the sport.

We run competitions every Monday and Wednesday night, and welcome anyone who wants to join.

Who. Adults 14+

Skill. All levels

Gender. All inclusive

When. Wednesday Games

(A minimum of 14 players are required)

Walking Netball


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