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providing opportunities for netballers, young and old, to enjoy netball in a fun and inclusive environment.

Our aim is to promote netball and provide a place for the community to come together and enjoy the sport.

We run competitions every Monday and Wednesday night, and welcome anyone who wants to join.

Who. Primary Students

Skill. Beginners

Gender. All inclusive

When. Monday 4:15 - 5:00pm

NetSetGO Clinics

Who. 9-15 years

Skill. Developing / Competent

Gender. Girls

When. Monday 4:15 -7:00pm  Games

Representative Teams

Who. All inclusive 13+

Skill. Novice - Competent

Gender. All inclusive

When. Monday 4:15pm - 7:55pm Games

Wednesday 6:30pm / 7:30pm

Umpire Training


Who. Primary Students

Skill. Capable NetSetGO students

Gender. All inclusive

When. Monday 4:15pm Games

Minis Competition

Who. Prep - Y12 Students

Skill. Novice - Competent

Gender. All inclusive 10-12 & Girls 13+

When. Monday 4:15 - 7:00pm Games

Juniors Competition

Who. 8 - 14 year olds

Skill. Novice - Competent

Gender. Boys

When. Monday 6:05pm Games

Boys 12U & 14U Competitions

Who. Females 14+

Skill. Novice - Experienced

Gender. Women

When. Monday 7:00 / 7:55pm Games

Wednesday 6:30 / 7:30pm Games

Seniors Competition

Who. Males and Females 14+

Skill. Novice - Competent

Gender. All inclusive

When. Wednesday 6:30/ 7:30pm Games

Mixed Netball

Who. Adults 14+

Skill. All levels

Gender. All inclusive

When. Wednesday 6:00pm Games

Walking Netball

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